Page:The negro's origin.djvu/16

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portions of the Mosaic record? or else must they not remain ignorant? Even so must we learn from Moses the position of that Cush which the Gihon encompassed. One may say that the common knowledge of the earth, with the positions of the several peoples as well, would enable those generations to understand the position of Cush. So let it be, and does not that common knowledge as handed down by tradition, point with a steady finger towards African Ethiopia?

In what sense does Moses use the word כּוּש i. e. Cush and its compounds? It appears in his writings in the following places: Gen. ii. 13; x. 6, 7, 8; Numb. xii. 1. In the first of these, Gen. ii. 13, it is used as the name of a country: "And the name of the second river is Gihon, the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia or Cush." Where is that land? To which one of the three great continents shall we look? Might we not possibly find a ray of light in the name it bears; knowing that in ancient times cities and lands were invariably named after men? After whom was the land of Cush or Ethiopia named? Is there given us the name of such an individual? and is it probable that he was the first possessor of that land, and enjoyed