Page:The new British province of South Australia.djvu/98

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facts on which it is based, must inevitably succeed, if the numerous precautions taken for rendering South Australia a civilized colony from the beginning, should prove successful. Even the partial success of the project at first, would tend to promote its complete success ultimately; for there can be no doubt, that every Anglo-Indian gentleman who should be induced to visit the colony, would, by doing so, help to promote the wealth and civilization of the colonists. It seems more than probable, also, that many who should establish their families in the colony, and visit them from time to time, would afterwards invest their savings in the purchase of public land, and settle permanently on their property. To those who know how much retired Indians suffer from the damp and changeable climate of England, and how disagreeable English society with its purely English tastes, its coldness towards strangers, and its insolent assumption of superiority towards the first generation of new-rich, is to the greater part of Anglo-Indians, this last speculation will appear by no means extravagant. But all depends on the merits of the novel system of colonization.

In case the merits of that system should, as is expected, lead families, of an order superior to the common run of emigrants, to join the first body of settlers in this colony; heads of families, that is, who would not fail to provide for the good education of their own children, then the colony will immediately offer to Anglo-Indians the two grand desiderata of their situation; pleasant society and good schools, in a fine climate, and not far off. And in that case, as soon as there shall be evidence of the fact, an edition