Page:The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture.djvu/194

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to the influence of the planets, and a thief has got the promise of success, if his nativity happened under the influence of the moon. What then becomes of human responsibility, and how does this doctrine agree with the words of Moses, "Behold I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live?" (Deut. xxx. 19.) It will be replied by Talmudists, that the oral law also says:—

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"Israel is not under the influence of the stars." We shall, therefore, consider that passage in its context which immediately follows:—

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"Rabbi Chanina says, the influence of the stars makes wise, the influence of the stars makes rich, and Israel is under that influence. Rabbi Jochanan says, Israel is not under the influence of the stars, and Rabbi Jochanan helped his argument, for Rabbi Jochanan says, From whence is it proved that Israel is not under the influence of the stars? Because it is said, 'Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.' (Jer. x. 2.) The heathen but not Israel. Rav says, Israel is not under the influence of the stars, for Rabbi Judah says, Rav says, From whence is it proved that Israel is not under the influence of the stars? From that which is said, 'And he brought him forth abroad.' (Gen. xv. 5.) Abraham said before God, Lord of the world, One born in my house is my heir.' God replied not so, but 'He that shall come forth out of thine own bowels.' Abraham replied, I have consulted my astrology, and am not fit to beget a son. God said, Go forth from thy astrology, for Israel is not under the influence of the stars." (Shabbath, ibid.) Now this passage, if