Page:The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture.djvu/35

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them your children." In the Hebrew it is (Symbol missingHebrew characters) "your sons;" and the rabbies infer (Symbol missingHebrew characters), "and not your daughters."[1] Secondly, they say, as we have seen above, "that the majority of women have not got minds fitted for study," and in the Talmud[2] this is attempted to be proved from Scripture. "A wise woman once asked R. Eliezer, How it was that after the sin of the golden calf, those who were alike in transgressions did not all die the same death? He replied, A woman's wisdom is only for the distaff, as it is written, 'All the women that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands.'" (Exod. xxxv. 25.) We hesitate not to say, that both these reasons are contrary to Scripture. We do not deny that (Symbol missingHebrew characters) signifies sons, but we utterly deny the conclusion of the Rabbies, that because the masculine word is used, therefore the women are not included in the command. There is an abundance of instances in which the masculine word (Symbol missingHebrew characters) is used for children generally, without any allusion to sex. Take for example Exod. xxii. 23 (in the English 24), "And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (literally your sons) orphans." Here again the masculine word is used, so that if the Rabbinical argument be valid in the above case, it will be valid here, and consequently the daughters are excluded from this denunciation, so that the sons were to be orphans, but not the daughters, which is plainly impossible. In the same way we can prove that the daughters of Israel did not wander in the wilderness forty years, for in Numbers xiv. 33, it is said, "And your children (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (literally your sons, and, therefore, according to Talmudic logic, not your daughters) shall wander in the wilderness forty years." The same logic will also prove that during the three days of miraculous darkness in Egypt, the women of Israel were left in darkness as well as the Egyptians, for it is said all the children of Israel ((Symbol missingHebrew characters), literally the sons of Israel) had light in their dwellings. And thus also it might be proved that not one of the ten commandments is binding upon the women, for the masculine gender is employed throughout. This logic, therefore, is evidently false; and we conclude, on the contrary, that as the women are included in all these passages—as they wandered through the wilderness, and had light in their dwellings—and are bound to keep the ten commandments as well as the men, so also they are included in the command, "Ye shall teach them your children," and that, therefore, the command of the oral law not to teach women, is contrary to the Word of God. But we are not confined to argument, God has plainly commanded that the women should learn as well as the men. "And Moses

  1. See Kiddushin, fol. 29, col. 2.
  2. Joma., fol. 66, col. 2.