Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/41

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Metal Cylinders,&c.76. Metal cylinders, or leather cartridge cases, for conveying the surplus ammunition collected from the pouches of Volunteers, under the provisions of Article 61, will be supplied at cost price.

Return of articles unservicable or obsolete.77. No article of equipment will be returned into store for the purpose of being replaced, until it has become thoroughly unserviceable. No articles will be returned into store on account of being of an obsolete pattern without the authority of the Admiralty.

Stores lost or injuried to be paid for.78. All arms or other stores supplied free of cost and placed in the custody of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, are, if lost, destroyed, or injured by fault or neglect, to be paid for by the Corps.

Demands for Stores.79. All demands for stores, in accordance with the established proportion allowed, are to be made out in the War Office Forms in use in Her Majesty's Navy, and are to be forwarded by the Commanding Officers of Brigades to the nearest Drill Ship or Coast Guard Ship for transmission to the nearest Control Officer. Special demands should be forwarded to the Secretary of the Admiralty for approval by the Captains of the above-named ships.


Nature of80. The drills of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers will comprise the drills for Great Guns, Rifle, Pistol, and Cutlass, as in the Royal Navy, and no deviation from those drills is to be permitted.

By whom to be carried out81. All drills will be carried out by the Instructors attached to the Brigades under the Officer Instructor, and when on board any of Her Majesty's ships they will be also subject to the supervision of the Commanding Officer of the ship.

Qualifcation for "Efficient"82. The qualification necessary for an Efficient will be found in the Appendix F, and may be amended as the Admiralty may from time to time think necessary.

Badge of Efficiency83. A Badge of Efficiency will be worn by men who were returned as "Efficient" in the last Annual Return of the Brigade.

The Badge will consist of a chevron of silver lace worn on the right arm above the wrist.

Men who have been five times returned as efficient may wear one star, and those who have been returned ten times may wear two stars above the badge.

Trained Man84. Volunteers who pass the examination for Trained Man, as in the Royal Navy, will be so designated, and will