Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/270

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Chief Works (continued)—
London.—National Gallery: 293. Madonna and Child, with

SS. Jerome and Dominic; 927. Angel. Mr. Benson: Pietà. Sir Henry Samuelson: Moses striking the Rock. The Golden Calf. Mr. Warren: Holy Family.

Oxford.—Christ Church: Centaur.
Raffaellino del Garbo:
Florence.—Accademia: 90. Resurrection.
Naples.—Scuola Romana: 15. Madonna and Child, with St. John.
Parma.—Gallery: 56. Madonna giving the Girdle to St. Thomas.
Venice.—Lady Layard: Portrait of Lorenzo de' Medici.
Berlin.—Gallery: 78 and 81. Portraits. 90. Madonna and Child with two Angels.
London.—Mr. Benson: Madonna and Child with Angels. Sir Henry Samuelson: Madonna and Saints.
Munich.—Pinacothek: 1009. Pietà.
Dresden.—Gallery: 22. Madonna and Child.