Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/263

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Part Taken by Women in American History

She first met Mr. Adams in her father's house, in London in 1794. They were married July 26, 1797, in the church of All Hallows, London. Mr. Adams' father became President soon afterwards, and John Quincy was transferred to Berlin, whither he took his accomplished bride, whom, it may be said, was destined to be a conspicuous figure in the highest social circles for the rest of her life. Her career in Berlin, considering the conditions, was so successful that it might at this distance, through the lapse of time, be called brilliant. Mr. Adams returned, with his family, to the United States, and took up his residence in Boston. Mrs. Adams was soon the admired of all admirers, their popularity putting Mr. Adams in the United States Senate from Massachusetts, and they came to Washington for the sessions of the Senate. She was very happy to be near her own family, the Johnsons, of Maryland, as she had been away from them continuously from the date of her marriage. For eight years, during Mr. Jefferson's two terms as President, she enjoyed her life in Washington.

On the accession of Mr. Madison to the Presidency, Mr. Adams was made our first Minister to Russia. It was a great trial to Mrs. Adams to leave two of her children with their grandparents, as it seemed wise to do, with the many unfavorable conditions then existing. They took a third child, and set sail for Boston in August. After a long and perilous voyage, they reached St. Petersburg in October. The rigorous climate, separation from her children, and the trying position as the wife of our first Minister to that autocratic court, brought into action all her powers of endurance, diplomacy and intuition. She was equal to every emergency.

The six years Mrs. Adams spent in St. Petersburg were probably the most eventful in the history of the New World. Napoleon was at the height of his imperial sway. He had the Old World in turmoil, and was threatening Russia. The