Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/504

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Women from the Time of Mary Washington

days. After a thorough training with governesses she attended a course at the famous Montpelier Institute, presided over by Bishop Elliot of Georgia, where she was graduated with high honors. Having lost her mother when very young, she accompanied her distinguished father to Washington while he was there in Congress, and elsewhere in his political career. In this way she attained unusual accomplishments and became a fine linguist. In 1856 her father was appointed by Mr. Buchanan Minister to Russia, with residence at St. Petersburg, at that time the most brilliant court in Europe. There she married John E. Bacon, secretary of the American Legation at that court, after which they made an extended tour through Europe. Upon the election of Mr. Lincoln she returned to the United States with her husband, who entered the Civil War and served until its close. After the war the family settled in Columbia, South Carolina. In 1884 Mrs. Bacon went to South America, her husband having received from Mr. Cleveland the appointment of Minister to Paraguay and Uruguay. She resided four years at Montevideo, where she acquired a thorough knowledge of the Spanish language. Her letters on South America were widely read and greatly admired. In February, 1893, Mrs. Bacon was elected by the National Board of the Daughters of the American Revolution state regent for South Carolina. No more appropriate appointment could have been made, as in addition to her superior qualifications she is lineally descended on the paternal side from General Andrew Pickens, who ranked with Sumter and Marion as one of the principal leaders in the war for independence. On her maternal side Mrs. Bacon is descended from General Elijah Clarke, of Georgia, and of Revolutionary fame: also Captain Arthur Simpkins, an intelligent and brave officer and staunch friend of his country. Her father's mother was a daughter of Christopher Edward Wilkinson, whose grandfather was Landgrave Joseph Moreton, colonial governor of South Carolina under Charles II, in 1681, and who married the niece of the famous Admiral Blake, of England.


Mrs. Kerfoot was the daughter of Otho Williams Lawrence, a lawyer of Hagerstown, Maryland, and his wife, Catherine Murdoch Nelson, of Frederick, in the same state. Her maternal grandfather was Brigadier-General Roger Nelson, of Point of Rocks Plantation, Frederick County, who entered the troops of horse under command of Colonel Augustine Washington in 1776, at the age of sixteen years. After the disbandment of the Maryland troops General Nelson read law. Was for six years in the Maryland senate; for a similar period in the National House of Representatives and was subsequently appointed for life judge of the upper district of Maryland. Three granddaughters and five great-granddaughters of General Nelson have become members of the associations of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Among the distinguished lineal ancestors of Mrs. Kerfoot on the maternal side was her great-grandfather, Colonel Joseph Sims, of Prince George County, Justice of the Supreme Court of Maryland, who represented his country in the convention held at Annapolis June 22, 1774, to denounce the English bill closing the port of Boston. Mrs. Kerfoot was born in Hagerstown,