Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/568

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Women as Philanthropists

agitated. She raised money in Wisconsin for the Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, for the purpose of having women admitted on equal terms with men. She took an active interest in all charity and educational work in her state, and must be included among the prominent women up-builders of our country. Mrs. Aikens died in Milwaukee, the 20th of May, 1892.


Born in Chicago October 6, 1862. Daughter of William Wallace and Fidelia Hill Norton Dickson. In 1884 married Joseph H. Jones, who has since died. Active in musical work; secretary of the Iowa Humane Society, and in 1904, James Callonan, former president, left the Iowa Humane Society $70,000 conditioned upon her being made secretary for life; was vice-president of the American Humane Society.


Philanthropist. Mrs. Andrews was born in Fryeburg, Maine, April 26, 1826, and was educated at the academy in her home town. Her brother, Dr. Clement A. Walker, was appointed in charge of the hospital for the insane in Boston, and Mrs. Walker joined him there to assist in the work in which she was deeply interested. Her work in this line has been of great value. Since 1889, she has been very much interested in the child-widows of India and formed an association to carry out the plans of Pundita Ramabai. Mrs. Andrews and her co-workers are carrying on the management of a school at Puna, India.


Philanthropist and reformer. Mrs. Bailey was born in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, July 5, 1839. In her early youth she taught school. She became very much interested in the work among the criminal institutions of New England. Her father had been a member of the Society of Friends, and she attended the yearly meeting of this sect. While attending one of these she met Moses Bailey, to whom she was married in October, 1868. In 1882 his death left her with one son, twelve years of age, and her own health very much impaired. She took up her husband's business, an oilcloth manufactory, and also a retail carpet store in Portland, Maine, and carried these on with success, selling them in 1889 most profitably. She is a woman prominently connected with all the missionary societies and the work of her religious faith, the Friends; is a strong advocate for peace, and in 1888 she was made the superintendent of that line of work for the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and has carried on the publishing of two monthly papers, the Pacific Banner and the Acorn, besides the distribution of a great deal of literature on this subject. She has worked diligently in the interest of a reformatory prison for women in her own state, and her name is found among the first in all philanthropic work for the church and schools and for young men and women who are trying to earn an education.