Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/686

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The Jewish Women of America

vacation schools and playgrounds in the city of Chicago. These, Colonel Parker of Chicago stated, "could hardly have gone forward without her; that the method and conduct was so unique he considered it epoch making in education." While vacation schools were first started on philanthropic lines in New York City, these schools in Chicago were purely educational, and were conducted under a Board of Education of the best educators and social service workers of that city, and this work has since been incorporated in the schools of Chicago. To-day vacation schools and playgrounds are common, but when Miss American started this work in 1897, in Chicago there was neither literature nor activity on the subject in the sense of its being a great movement and hers was really the pioneer work in this direction. One of the special features of these schools was that provision was made for the deaf, the dumb and the blind. A school for these unfortunates was conducted in a summer camp. In 1900, while Miss American and her mother were en route to New York to establish a home, she met with a severe railroad accident and since that time her health has been such that her activities and the great work that she has accomplished in these various lines has been conducted from her home. Miss American is at present greatly interested in vacation schools and welfare work for the blind, among the Jews in the city of New York and has organized a national association and work has been commenced in New York, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Another problem which has been forced upon her attention is the question of the care and provision for the Jewish immigrant girl and she has organized a committee on immigration aid which follows every Jewish immigrant girl who comes to this country, no matter what her destination and this has aroused a general interest in that of other immigrant girls which has been taken up by other philanthropic societies. Long before the white slave traffic