Page:The pilgrim's progress by John Bunyan every child can read (1909).djvu/418

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It was found sticking in the mud,
Just above Harlem Chase;
I fear the poor child's perished there,
For 'tis a frightful place."
Then louder grew the ladies' grief;
But soon their hearts were cheered,
When a footman grand, with a note in his hand,
From the distant Hall appeared.

Aunt Ruth now read the note, and cried,
"Oh, sister, all is well!
The child is safe at Brookland Hall,
With Lady Arundel,
Who wants to keep her for a month;
Why, yes; I think she may—
Such friends as Lady Arundel
Are not met with every day.

"Our compliments, and thanks to her,
When you return, young man;
We'll call to-morrow at the Hall,
And see Miss Marian."
Then came a burst of grateful joy,
That could not be suppressed,
And, with thankful hearts and many tears,
The ladies went to rest.

We'll take a peep at our Marian now,
There in her bed lies she;
How blissful were her dreams that night,
In the arms of Piety.