Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/170

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

that heat their blood by Travels. On either ſide of the River was alſo a Meadow, A Meadow in which they lie down to ſleep. Pſ. 22 Iſa. 14.30. curiouſly beautified with Lilies; And it was green all the year long. In this Meadow they lay down and ſlept, for here they might lie down ſafely. When they awoke, they gathered again of the Fruit of the Trees, and drank again of the Water of the River: and then lay down again to ſleep. Thus they did ſeveral days and nights.

Behold ye how theſe Chriſtal ſtreams do glide
(To comfort Pilgrims) by the Highway ſide;
The Meadows green, beſides their fragrant ſmell,
Yield dainties for them: And he that can tell
What pleaſant Fruit, yea Leaves, these Trees do yield,
Will ſoon ſell all, that he may buy this Field.

So when they were diſpoſed to go on (for they were not, as yet, at their Journeys end) they eat and drank, and departed.

Now I beheld in my Dream, that
