Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/45

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

when he began to ſweep, the duſt began ſo abundantly to fly about, that Chriſtian had almoſt therewith been choaked: Then ſaid the Interpreter to a Damſel that ſtood by, Bring hither Water,and ſprinkle the Room; which when ſhe had done, was ſwept and cleanſed with pleaſure.

Ch. Then ſaid Chriftian, What means this?

In. The Interpreter anſwered; this Parlor is the heart of a Man that was never ſanctified by the ſweet Grace of the Goſpel: The duſt, is his Original Sin, and inward Corruptions that have defiled the whole Man; He that began to ſweep at firſt, is the Law; but She that brought water, and did ſprinkle it, is the Goſpel: Now, whereas thou ſaweſt that ſo ſoon as the firſt began to ſweep,the duſt did ſo fly about that the Room by him could not be cleanſed, but that thou waſt almoſt choaked therewith. This is to ſhew thee, that the Law, inſtead of cleanſing the heart (by its working) from fin, d d Rom.7.6. doth revive, put e e 1 Cor. 15. 56 ſtrength into, and ffRo. 5.20 increaſe it in the ſoul, as it doth
