Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/47

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Then I faw that one came to kk Paſſion has his desirePaſſion, and brought him a Bag of Treaſare, and poured it down at his feet; the which he took up, and rejoyced therein; and withall, laughed Patience to ſcorn : But I beheld but a while, and he had ll And quickly laviſhes away laviſhed all away , and had nothing left him but Rags.

Ch. Then ſaid Chniſtian to the Intpreter,mmThe matter expounded Expound this matter more matter fully to me.

In. So he ſaid, Theſe two Lads are Figures; Paſſion, of the Men of this World; and Patience, of the Men of that which is to come: For as here thou ſeeſt, Paſſion will have all now, this year; that is to ſay,in this World; So are the Men of this World: they muſt have all their good things now, they cannot ſtay till next Year; that is, until the next World, for their Portion of good. That Proverb, A n n The Worldly Man for Bird in the handBird in the Hand is worth two in the Buſh, is of more Authority with them, then are all the Divine Teſtimonies of the good of the World to come. But as thou ſaweſt, that he had quickly laviſhed all away, and had preſently left him, nothing but
