Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/88

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

deſired Haven, then the place where at preſent he was. So he conſented and ſtaid. When the Morning was up, they had him to the top of the Houſe, h h Iſa. 33. 16, 17. and bid him look South, ſo he did; and behold at a great diſtance he ſaw a moſt pleaſant Mountainous Countrey, beautified with Woods, Vinyards, Fruits of all forts, Flowers alſo; Springs and Fountains, very delectable to behold. Then he asked the name of the Countrey, they ſaid it was Immanuels Land: and it is as common, ſaid they, as this Hill is, to and for all the Pilgrims. And when thou comeſt there, from thence, ſaid they, thou maiſt ſee to the Gate of the Cœleſtial City, as the Shepheards that live there will make appear.

Now he bethought himſelf of ſetting forward i Chriſtian ſets forward. and they were willing he ſhould: but firſt, ſaid they, let us go again into the Armory, ſo they k k Chriſtian ſent away Armed. did; and when he came there, they harneſſed him from head to foot, with what was of proof, left perhaps he ſhould meet with aſſaults in the way. He being therefore thus acoutred walketh out with his friends
