Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/98

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Chriſtian gives God thanks for deliverance. So when the Battel was over, Chriſtian ſaid, I will here giye thanks to him that hath delivered me out of the mouth of the Lion; to him that did help me againſt Apollyon: and ſo he did, ſaying,

Great Beelzebub, the Captain of this Fiend,
Deſign'd my ruin; therefore to this end
He ſent him harneſſ out, and he with rage
That Helliſh was, did fiercely me Ingage:
But bleſſed Michael helped me, and I
By dint of Sword did quickly make him flye
Therefore to him let me give lasting praiſe,
And thank and bleſs his holy name always.

Then there came to him an hand, with fome of the leaves of the Tree of Life, the which Chriſtian took, and applyed to the wounds that he had received in the Battel, and was healed immediately. He alſo ſat down in that place to eat Bread, and to drink of the Bottle that was given
