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THE flMERlGRN EC ONOMIC ASSOCIATION The publications of the Association were begun in 1886, and have continued to appear in various forms and series. They number nineteen complete volumes to the close of 1901, and include many of the most important monographs on econ- omics that have appeared in America. A complete list will be sent on application to the addresses below. Recent numbers are as follows : THIRD SERIES. VOLUME V, 1904. No. I. Sixteenth Annual Meeting. Part I. Papers and discussions on Southern agricultural and industrial problems (7); Social aspects of economic law; Relations between rent and interest. Pp. 240. Price, Si.oo. Southern Economic Problems. Reprinted from Part i. Price, joc. Relations Between Rent and Interest. By Frank A. Fetter and others. Reprinted from Part l. Price, joc. No. a. Sixteenth Annual Meeting. Part II. Papers and discussions on the management of the surplus reserve; Theory of loan credit in Relation to Corporation Economics; State Taxation of Inter-State Commerce; Trusts; Theory of Social Causation. Price, $1.00. Theory of Social Causation. By Franklin H. Giddings and others. Reprinted from Part 2. Price, joc. No. 3. Monopolistic Combinations in the German Coal Industry. By Francis Walker. Price, $1.2^, No. 4. The Influence of Farm Machinery on Production and Labor. By H. W. Quaintance. Price, yjc. VOLUME VI, 1905. No. I. Seventeenth Annual Meeting. Part I. Presidential Address; Present position of the doctrine of free trade, F. W. Taussig; The theory of money; Papers by J. Laurence Laughlin, David Kinley, A. Piatt Andrew. Discussion. Open Shop or Closed Shop? Papers by John R. Commons, John Graham Brooks, John Hibbard, Thomas Kidd. Discussion. Pp. 226. Price, Si-oo. No. 2. Seventeenth Annual Meeting. Part II. Governmental interfer- ence with industrial combination, E. B. Whitney; Regulation of railway rates, M. A. Knapp; Taxation of railways, H. C. Adams and W. A. Baldwin; Preferential tariffs and reciprocity, A. Shortt, G. F. Foster, and A. W. Flux; Inclosure movement, E. F. Gray; Economic history of the United States, C. D. Wright. Pp. 270. Price, $1.00. No. 3. The History and Theory of Shipping Subsidies. By Royal Meeker. {In press.) Address subscriptions, applications Address all orders, except subscrip- for membership and inquiries to the tions, to the publishers, SECRETARY of the AMERICAN ^^ .^^^.^rr^r ^ nr ^^ ECONOMIC AssociA TioN, THE MA CMILLAN CO., Ithaca, N. Y. 66 Fifth Avenue, New York.