Page:The poems of Edmund Clarence Stedman, 1908.djvu/428

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That, which to the base of birth
Were a guise of little worth,
Shall, through thy regard intense,
Gain from all men reverence;
Honor it and thou shalt see
It will honor bring to thee.


Singer, though on wings of morn
Thou at will art swiftly borne,
Use them not for every quest;
Ruffle not their folded rest
That thy daily sport and toil
May be lifted from the soil.
Even the winged angels walk
Side by side in pleasant talk,
And with loitering footsteps move
Through the valleys fair with love;
But anon, commissioned far
Light to strew from star to star,
Spread their plumes and soar on high,
Bearing glory through the sky!


I walk in the morning twilight,
Along a garden slope,
To the shield of moss encircling
My beautiful Heliotrope.

O sweetest of all the flowerets
That bloom where angels tread!
But never such marvellous odor
From heliotrope was shed,

As the passionate exhalation,

The dew of celestial wine,