Page:The poems of Richard Watson Gilder, Gilder, 1908.djvu/18

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Sheridan 158
Sherman 160
Pro Patria. (In memory of a faithful chaplain: the Rev. William Henry Gilder) 161
To the Spirit of Abraham Lincoln. (Reunion at Gettysburg twenty-five years after the battle) 163
Failure and Success. (G. C., 1888) 163
J. R. L.: on his Birthday 164
Napoleon 164
The White Czar's People 164
Charleston: 1886 167
Hide not thy Heart 168
"The poet from his own sorrow" 169
"White, pillared neck" 170
"Great nature is an army gay" 170
"Life is the cost" 171
The Prisoner's Thought 172
The Condemned 173
"Sow thou sorrow" 174
Temptation 174
A Midsummer Meditation 174
"As doth the bird" 175
I "Cast into the pit" 175
II "Came to him once" 176
III "With full-toned beat" 176
With a Cross of Immortelles 176
The Passing of Christ 177
Credo 180
Non Sine Dolore 181
Ode. (Read before the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Harvard University, June 26, 1890) 185
AFTER-SONG: To Rosamond 189