Page:The poems of Richard Watson Gilder, Gilder, 1908.djvu/251

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Of the tiny mouth, and lo!
From those eyes two tearlets flow;—
Just two kisses, and they go!
Like a sunburst after showers,
Like white light upon the flowers,
Now again the dimples show.
But she could not understand
Why so long the answer waited
For the loved and not the hated,
While he held that little hand,
And like a bird she sang and said,—
Half in earnest, half in fun,—
"Do you love me, Solemn One?
Do you love me, Cousin Ed?
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Love me, love me, Cousin Ed?"


I saw not the leaf
But its shadow trembling, trembling down.
I faced to northward, to my grief,
When from the southern sky a crimson meteor lit the star-dark town.
I saw not naked Love
Lean from his porphyry throne above
And touch her heart to flame,
Yet on her brow I saw the swift, sweet, virgin shame.


Ah, be not false, sweet Splendor!
Be true, be good;
Be wise as thou art tender;
Be all that Beauty should.