Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/161

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Songs of Experience

On his head a crown ; 37 On his shoulders down Flow'd his golden hair. Gone was all their care. ' Follow me,' he said, 41 ' Weep not for the maid ; In my palace deep Lyca lies asleep.' Then they followed, 4- Where the vision led, And saw their sleeping child Among tygers wild. To this day they dwell 49 In a lonely dell ; Nor fear the wolvish howl Nor the lions' growl.

shoulders] shoulder Wilk, 52 lions'] lions orig. ; lion's all edd. 

The Clod and the Pebble ' Love seeketh not Itself to please, i Nor for itself hath any care. But for another gives its ease. And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.' So sung a little Clod of Clay, 5 Trodden with the cattle's feet, But a Pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet : Engraved on a single plate from the fair copy on p. 115 (reversed) of the MS. Book. Without title in the MS.

another] another's R'. 4 in] to R^. 5 sung] sang MS. Book, 

DGR, WMR, EY. 7 brook] wood R'.