Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/187

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Rossetti MS.
p. 46.  Prose. — Woollett I know . . . (continued on p. 47), [Advt.]
*I give you the end of a golden string. [Jerusalem.]
p. 47.  Prose. — (Continued from p. 46) . . . master's touch. [Advt.]
Prose. — Every line is the line of beauty. It is only fumble and bungle which cannot draw a line. This only is ugliness, But that is not a line which doubts and hesitates in the midst of its course. [Advt.]
If you play a Game of chance. [MS. Book ex.]
p. 48.  Sketch. — Nebuchadnezzar.
Note. — This was spoke by My Spectre to Voltaire Bacon &c.
[The Everlasting Gospel. ζ. ll. 1-26.]
[The Everlasting Gospel. δ.]
p. 49.  [The Everlasting Gospel, ζ. ll. 27-52.]
p. 50.  [The Everlasting Gospel. ζ. ll. 53-71.]
The only Man that e'er I knew. [MS. Book cxi.]
For this is being a Friend just in the nick. [MS. Book cxii.]
p. 51.  [The Everlasting Gospel. ζ. ll. 72-92.]
Prose. — In this plate Mr. B. has resumed ... in condemnation. [Advt.]
p. 52.  Sketch (pencil).
Prose. — Of my Work & approbation . . . reputation as a draughtsman. [Advt.]
[The Everlasting Gospel, ζ. ll. 93-96.]
[The Everlasting Gospel. η. ]
The Everlasting Gospel. (γ2 ll. 1-25.)
Prose. — The manner in which my character has been blasted . . . paid for what they put in on these ungracious subjects. [Advt.]
I will tell you what Joseph of Arimathea. [MS. Book cxiii.]
p. 53.  Prose.— Y&xma.u cannot deny ... as Machlin told me at the time [Advt.]
[The Everlasting Gospel. γ2. ll. 26-83.]
Prose. — Many people are so foolish . . . asserted that Woollett's. [Advt.]
p. 54.  [The Everlasting Gospel. γ2. ll. 84-106.]
Grown old in Love from Seven till Seven times Seven. [MS. Book cxiv.]

[The Everlasting Gospel. θ.]

p. 55.  Prose. — Prints were superior to Basire's because . . . beginnings of art. [Advt.]
p. 56.  Sketch.— [See WMR. (l).]
Why was Cupid a Boy. [MS. Book cxv.]
Note. — This day is Publish'd Advertizements to Blake's Canterbury
Pilgrims from Chaucer, containing anecdotes of Artists.
Prose. — I hope this print ... It is very true what you have said. [Advt.]
p. 57.  Sketch.
Prose.— For these thirty-two Years . . . [Advt.]
Prose. — Woollett's best works ... I forget. [Advt.]
Prose.— The Cottager's ... is never correct. [Advt.]
Prose.— I do not pretend to Paint better than Rafael (or Mich. Ang.) . . . which they understand not. [Advt.]