Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/241

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Rossetti MS.


Terror in the house does roar ; But Pity stands before the door.

MS. Book, p. 12. See Prefatorj' Note to xlii. Here printed for the first


The Birds

He. Where thou dwellest, in what Grove, i Tell me, Fair one, tell me love ; Where thou thy charming Nest dost build, thou pride of every field ! She. Yonder stands a lonely tree, 5 There I live and mourn for thee ; Morning drinks my silent tear, And evening winds my sorrow bear. He. O thou summer's harmony, 9

have liv'd and mourn'd for thee ; 

Each day I mourn along the wood. And night hath heard my sorrows loud. She. Dost thou truly long for me? 13 And am I thus sweet to thee ? Sorrow now is at an end, O my lover and my Friend ! He. Come on wings of joy we'll fly 17 To where my bower hangs on high ; Come, and make thy calm retreat Among green leaves and blossoms sweet.

MS. Book, p. 14.
1, 5, sqq. He . . . She No italics in MS. 3 dost] doth EY. n
mourn] moan EY, WBY. i8 hangs] is hung all edd.