Page:The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women's, misses', junior's, children's and infant's garments.djvu/90

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BACK VIEW Complete.

To complete the back view for a child's foundation, immediately raise the shoulder point from 12 to 13 to the line below 1 and 0, for which that line is particularly used. Curve the neck at 14 and 15 somewhat slanting in from the straight line and curve round effect upwards from 12 to 15 and 13 to 14. Continue curving the body from the shoulder point down from 1 to 10 and to 11 a trifle shapy and continue to the bottom to 18 and 19 as shown on the diagram. At the same time note the difference between this and the juniors' size, which is a great deal more curved at the waist line. It will tell you that the child's garment is supposed to have a fuller effect in the waist.

The sleeves for the back foundation are alike. Begin from the shoulder and full effect curving to 16 and 17, which is a trifle below the hip line. The inner seam of the sleeve of this diagram is not noticeable because it is hidden by the full effect of the waist. The sleeves are showing the action towards the front. Otherwise this diagram is complete.