Page:The principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nations (1589).djvu/6

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NAVIGATIONS,VOIAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE Englifh nation,made by Sea or ouerLaiid,

  • to the moH remote attdfartheHdi^ant Quarters of

the earth at any time within the compafle. . *

of theft I so o.jeeres.-Dehided into three


icuerall parts^ccording to the po-

filions of the Krf^'ons whcrun-

lotlicy hcreUirci^cd.


The firft,contcining the perfonall traucls of the Englifli vnto ludda,Syria,A- rahia,the riuer Euphrates, Babylon, Baljara, the Perjian Giilfe, Ormuz, Chau/, Goa,l»dia,znd many Iflaiids adioyning to the South parts of l^4 • toge- ther with the like vnto Egvpt, the chicfcft ports and places of Africa with- in and without the Streight oiGibraltar, and about the famous Promon- totieoi BttonaE^eratt^.

The fccondjcomprehending the worthy difcouerics of the Englifh towards the North and Northeaft by Sea;,as o( Lap/and, Scrikfinia, Corei'/a, the Baic ofs. Nicholof jthelUcs oiColgoicue, Vaigats, and 2{oua Zemhla toward the great riuer o^,with the mightie Empire otRuffta, the Cajpian Sczfi eorgia, K^rmema^MeSayPerJidyBoghar in SaltrU^^ diuer s kingdfoms oiTartaria,

The third andlaft>incladingthe Englidi valiant attempts in fearching al- moft all the corners of the vafte and new world oiK^mcrica, from 7 3 .de- crees of Northerly latitude Southward,to Meta IncognitayNewfiundlandt thcmaineofr/r^/»Wjthepointoff/<jr/<i«,theBaieoi"cJ?ffx/V<», all the In- land of 2^«4H/^4W4, the coaft of 7'fr'r4/r«i<«, Brafill, the riuer of P/^i/^jto the Streightof cJW<*?f/6«»; and through it,aud from it in the South Sea to ChiU, PerUyXalifcoy the Gulfe oiCaiifornUy Nona Albion vpon the backHdc oiCanatUy further then euer any Chriftian hitherto hath pierced.

•, Whereunto is added the lalimorirenowmedEngUfljNauigationt

- round about the whole Globe of the Earth.

tjVidi4rdH*klifitMaPer<)fjtttts,andStinientfametimt , !,' •

..;.*" ■' I'f Chrift-churchtn Oxh>ri<, '



fmfrintedat London ^yGEOROE Bishop

.^r and Ralph Nevvberie, Deputies to ' i Christopher B a r k b r. Printer to the

Qucene* moft excellent Maicttic.

I Sip.