Page:The rape of the lock.djvu/59

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The RAPE of the LOCK.
Oh had I rather un-admir'd remain'd
In ſome lone Iſle, or diſtant Northern Land;
Where the gilt Chariot never mark'd the way,
Where none learn Ombre, none e'er taſte Bohea!
There kept my Charms conceal'd from mortal Eye,
Like Roſes that in Deſarts bloom and die.
What mov'd my Mind with youthful Lords to rome?
O had I ſtay'd, and ſaid my Pray'rs at home!
'Twas this, the Morning Omens did foretel;
Thrice from my trembling hand the Patch-box fell;
The tott'ring China ſhook without a Wind,
Nay, Poll ſate mute, and Shock was moſt Unkind!
A Sylph too warn'd me of the Threats of Fate,
In myſtic Viſions, now believ'd too late!
See the poor Remnants of this ſlighted Hair!
My hands ſhall rend what ev'n thy Rapine ſpare.
This, in two ſable Ringlets taught to break,
Once gave new Beauties to the ſnowie Neck.
The Siſter-Lock now ſits uncouth, alone,
And in its Fellow's Fate foreſees its own;
