Page:The record interpreter- a collection of abbreviations.djvu/309

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Glossary of Latin Words.
  • occasio:—a tribute on a special occasion; a hindrance; a complaint.
  • occasionamentum:—molestation.
  • occasionare:—to molest.
  • occasionari:—to be liable to some special tribute; to be hindered, vexed.
  • occatio:—assart. See assartum.
  • octaba, octava:—the eighth day after a feast, utas.
  • ocularium:—the visor of a helmet.
  • oculus:—a circular window.
  • odditorium:—a miscellaneous collection; a lumber room.
  • odorisequus:—hunting by scent.
  • œconomicus:—an administrator of property; an executor.
  • œconomus:—a treasurer.
  • ofasium:—caudle.
  • offerenda:—an offering; the sacrament of the Eucharist; an antiphone sung at that time.
  • offertorium:—offerings; an offertory; a piece of cloth in which the offerings or the chalice is wrapped. See also offerenda.
  • officialis:—one who exercises the jurisdiction of a bishop or archdeacon.
  • officiare:—to serve.
  • officiavius. See officialis.
  • officiator:—an officer.
  • officium:—trade; an office, a room where a man works.
  • offrum:—an offer.
  • ofnama:—an enclosure.
  • olosa:—a shad. See alosa.
  • olosericum:—entirely of silk; bawdekyn.
  • olyverum ferri:—a foundry (?); a heavy hammer worked by a treadle.
  • omelia:—a homily.
  • omnimodus:—of all sorts.
  • onophorium:—a costrel, a wooden bottle.
  • opella:—a shop.
  • operabile:—a handicraft.
  • operabilis dies:—a working-day.
  • operaria:—the office of works.
  • opcrarius:—a tenant who did bodily work for his lord; a clerk of the works.
  • operatio:—a day's work.
  • operatus:—chased.
  • opertius:—not lawed (of a dog).
  • opertura:—lining.
  • opilare:—to hinder.
  • opilio:—a shepherd; a bishop.
  • opirus:—sour; mouldy (of bread).
  • opisie:—harness.
  • oplondina:—uplands.
  • oppidanus:—the keeper of a town.
  • oppilio. See opilio.
  • opprimentum:—oppression; also used for operimentum.
  • ora:—ore; a Saxon coin worth 16d. to 20d.; an ounce.
  • ovarium:—a hem; a border; a kerchief; a stole. See horarius.