Page:The record interpreter- a collection of abbreviations.djvu/381

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Latin Names of Places.
  • Caldei Insula:—Ynys Pyr, or Caldey Island, Pembrokeshire.
  • Calderus Flu.:—River Calder, Yorks.
  • Caledonia:—Callander, Perthshire. It is also used for the whole of Scotland.
  • Caledonia Sylva:—Argyle, Lochaber and Moray.
  • Caledonii:—Inhabitants of north-west of Scotland.
  • Caledonium Castrum:—Dunkeld.
  • Calyachi Roboretum:—Doire Chalgaich, Derry, Ireland.
  • Cdidoniæ Sylvæ:—Florus applies this name to the interior of England.
  • Calkoensis:—Of Kelso.
  • Calleua:—Basingstoke, Hants.
  • Calleua Attrebatum. See Galleua Atrebatum.
  • Calna:—Calne, Wiltshire.
  • Calonia:—Coldingham, Berwick.
  • Calunio:—Same as Galacum; or Wakefield, Yorks.
  • Camaldunum, Camalodunum:—Maldon, Colchester, or Lexden, Essex.
  • Camaletum:— Camel, Somerset.
  • Cambium Reyale:—Royal Exchange, London.
  • Cambodunum:—Almondbury, Greetland, or Elland, West Riding of Yorkshire.
  • Camboricum, Camborium:—Icklingham, Suffolk; or Cambridge.
  • Cambretonium. See Comberetonium.
  • Cambria:—Wales.
  • Cambula:—P. Camel, Cornwall.
  • Camelodunum:—Doncaster, Yorks.
  • Camerum:—Castell Cwm Aram, Denbighshire.
  • Camestrum:—Campsterne, Dorset.
  • Camolodunum. See Camaldunum.
  • Campodumim. See Cambodunum.
  • Campus Alius:—Hatfield, or Hautfield, Herts.
  • Campus Fabrum:—Smithfield, London.
  • Campus Nouo-Forensis:—Newmarket Heath, Cambridgeshire.
  • Camudolanum. See Cambodunum.
  • Camulodunum. See Camaldunum and Cambodunum.
  • Cana Insula:—Sheppy. See Counos.
  • Canachina Silva:—Cannock Chase, Staffordshire.
  • Canani Terra:—Merioneth.
  • Cancani:—People living in Carnarvonshire.
  • Cancanum. See Canyanorum.
  • Cancia:—Kent.
  • Candalia:—Kendal, Westmoreland.
  • Candida Casa:—Whitehorn, Whithern, Wigtonchirp.
  • Candida Ecclesia:—Whitchurch, Salop.
  • Cane?cella:—Canwell, Staffordshire, a Benedictine Priory.
  • Canyanorum promontorium:—Braichy Pwll Point, Carnarvonshire. The same as Ganganum.