Page:The record interpreter- a collection of abbreviations.djvu/404

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The Record Interpreter.
  • Insula Cervi:—Hartlepool, Durham.
  • Insula Sacra:—Ireland; also Holy Island, Northumberland.
  • Insula Missarum:—Inchafi'ray, Perthshire.
  • Insula Sancti Columbæ:—Columbkill, Iona.
  • Insula Sanctorum:—Ynis Enlly, Bardsey, Caernarvon.
  • Insula Vectis:—Isle of Wight.
  • Insularis Villa:—Islington.
  • Interamna, Jnteramnium:—Christ Church, Hants.
  • Inuernessus:—Inverness, Scotland.
  • Iona:—Iona, or Icolmkill Isle, West Coast of Scotland.
  • Iphletha:—Evelith, Shropshire.
  • Ircenefelda:—Archenfield, or Irchingfield, Herefordshire.
  • Iris:—Ireland.
  • Isaca:—River Exe, Devonshire; also River Esk, Scotland.
  • Isamnium:—St. John's Foreland, or Point, co. Down, Ireland.
  • Isannauantia, Isannauaria, Isannauatia:—Stony Stratford, Northants, or the same as Bannauenna; Allchester, Oxon, between Wendlebury and Bicester.
  • Isannium. See Isamnium.
  • Isca:—River Exe; River Usk.
  • Isea:—Liskeard, Cornwall.
  • Isca Dumnoniorum:—Chiselborough, Somerset; or Exeter.
  • Isca Legio II. Augusta, Iscelegua Augusti, Isca Silurum, I seamum:—Caerleon, Monmouthshire.
  • Iscalis:—Ivelchester, now Ilchester, Somerset.
  • Iscamum:—Caerleon.
  • Ischalis. See Iscalis.
  • Isiacum:—Oxford.
  • Isiburna:—Woburn, Bedfordshire.
  • Isidis Insula:—Ousney, or Oseney, near Oxford.
  • Isidis Vadum:—Oxford.
  • Isis Flu.:—River Isis, Oxford; the Ouse, Buckinghamshire; and the Ouse, Yorkshire.
  • Istelhorda:—Isleworth, Middlesex.
  • Isubrigantum. See Isurium.
  • Isuria:—Yorkshire.
  • Isurium:—Aldborough, or Boroughbridge, Yorkshire.
  • Isurouicum:—York.
  • Ittingaforda:—Hitchin, Herts.
  • Itucadon:—A town between Tyne and Forth.
  • Ituma, Ituna:—River Eden, Cumberland; or Solway Firth.
  • Itys:—Loch Eu, Torridon, or Duich, Scotland.
  • Iuecestra:—Ilchester, Somerset.
  • Iuerianus Pons:—Iford Bridge, Hants.
  • Iuernia:—Ireland.