Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/133

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just before the battle of Alençon, which robbed him of his crown and his life, saw himself at the head of two hundred thousand men, left a successor who had not ten thousand even about his own person; and yet half France was in his possession; but the English prosecuted their success with so much vigour, that every moment brought him tidings of their conquests.

The rapidity with which George followed his blow, surprised all Europe. By the beginning of August he was in the entire possession of Normandy, Brittany, the whole province of Orleanois, the Isle of France, Champagne, Picardé, and Flanders. He had small detachments making important conquests in other provinces. The Duke of Devonshire acted in Lorraine, the Earl of Bury in Burgundy, General Sommersin