Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/152

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Miles Dei virtuosus
Cunctis fuit graciosus
Malis bonum reddidit.
Gaudet nunc gens Anglicorum De patrono quod eorum
Deus Sanctus reddidit
O Rex (sancte) Anglicorum Gubernatorque Francorum
Te mox invocantibus
Esto tutum adjuvamen
Et fer semper relevamen
Nobis deprecantibus.

. Ora pro nobis beate serve Dei Henrice.
. Ut digni, etc.


O God, the crown of Kings and Glory of Saints, Grant that we may obtain, through the patronage of Thy blessed servant Henry, that by Thy Grace rejoicing in his memory, we may partake of the glory and crown of life promised to those who love Thee, through Christ our Lord. (Translation.)

From a fifteenth century MS. belonging to the Pudsey family and preserved in the Trevelyan papers,[1] there has come down to us another salutation and prayer to King Henry:

Oratio beate Henrici Sexti Regis Angliae et Franciae.
Hic vir dispiciens mundum, et terrena triumphans
divitias coelo condidit corde ore et manu
Ora pro nobis beate Henrice
Ut digni, etc.

  1. Ut sup. (Camden Soc), i, 57, 58.