Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/159

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Anglorum regem, in charitate fervidum, miscris afflictis et male habentibus semper compassum, omni bonitate innocentiaque conspicuum ut pie creditur inter Angelos collocare dignatus es, concede propicius, ut ipso cum omnibus santtis intervenientibus hostium nostrorum tollatur superbia, morbus et omne quod malum est a nobis procul pellatur, palma donetur et gratia Sanfti Spiritus nobis misericordiam tuam poscentibus semper adesse dignetur.

Oui vivis, etc.

These and similar devotions and prayers to King Henry are found very generally. For example, in the larger and fuller 4to Horae of Wynkyn de Worde, 1502 and 1523; Bryckman, 1516; Ruremund, 1520 and 1531; Pynson, 1522. It is said also that these prayers were printed in various editions of Regnault, the most prolific printer of Sarum books.

An Oratio de Beato Rege Henrico also appears in Caxton's XV Oes in 1491; and in Wynkyn de Worde's Horae, or XV Oes, of 1491 (printed at the commaundement of Elisabeth and pryncesse Margarite) on vellum. Here it is entitled "Oratio de Beato Rege Henrico, a prayer to holy King Henry." Canon Hoskins, in his Catalogue of Primers and Books of Hours, notes copies of this as