Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/163

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  1. Acta Sanctorutn, referred to, 132.
  2. Alexander VI, Pope, 65, 75, 85.
  3. Alexander, Dean, 60.
  4. Algood, Lincolnshire, 119.
  5. All Souls College, representations at, 121.
  6. Alton Church, painting at, 121.
  7. Andre, Bernard, quotation from, 52.
  8. Andrew, Agnes, 112.
  9. Anselm, St., 76.
  10. Armenians, reconciliation to the Church, 101.
  11. Arthur, Prince, image in chantry of, 121.
  12. Ashton-under-Lyne, 121.
  13. Astley, Joan, 2.
  14. Aubery, Sir Robert, bequest of, 120.
  15. Augustinians, custodians of
  16. royal relics, 120.
  17. Barton Turf, Norfolk, 119.
  18. Basle, Council of, attitude of, 94–99.
  19. Bath, 24, 70.
  20. Bath and Wells, Bishop of.
  21. See Beckynton, Thomas.
  22. Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Warwick, 4.
  23. Beaufort, Henry, Bishop of Winchester, 1, 3, 5, 26.
  24. Beckynton, Thomas, quotations from, 45, 94.
  25. "Bede roll," extract from, 122.
  26. Bedford, Duke of, establishes a University, 39.
  27. Besy, Alice, 112.
  28. Besy, John, 112.
  29. Black Friars, 14, 16, 58.
  30. Blackman, John, life of Henry VI by, 19-37, 72, 104.
  31. Bodley, 132.
  32. Bothe, Archbishop, 61.