Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/165

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  1. Durham, 61, 105, 127.
  2. Durham, Bishop of, 75, 87.
  3. Dyonyse, John, 112.
  4. Dyonyse, Margaret, miraculous restoration of, 112.
  5. Edmund, half-brother to Henry VI, 25.
  6. Edmund, King, the Martyr, painting of, 121.
  7. Edmundsbury. See Bury St. Edmund.
  8. Edward IV, 13, 14, 54, 58.
  9. Edward, Prince, son of Henry VI, 14, 53.
  10. Edward the Confessor, painting of, 121.
  11. Elisabeth, 131.
  12. Elmswell, 8.
  13. Eltham, 3, 33.
  14. Ely, Bishop of, 69.
  15. England, 27; images set up in, 119.
  16. Eton, copy for present from, 122.
  17. Eton College, the founding of, 27, 28, 39–48, 57, 76, 93, 133; life at, 43.
  18. Eugenius IV, Pope, 93, 95, 100 ; sends a "Golden Rose," 9; Indulgences from, 42.
  19. Exeter, Bishop of, 66.
  20. Eye Church, Suffolk, painted portrait at, 119.
  21. Fairford Church, sculpture at, 121.
  22. Fawcett, George, Abbot of Westminster, claims made by, 83.
  23. Ferrara, Council held at, 97.
  24. Florence, Synod of, 102.
  25. Fox, D. Gardiner, 90.
  26. Foxe, quotation from, 72.
  27. France, 27, 94.
  28. Frederick, Emperor, 100.
  29. Freeman, Agnes, story of her cure, 70.
  30. Fuller, pilgrimage of, 71.
  31. Gately, Norfolk, 119.
  32. Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 8.
  33. Gloucester, Richard, Duke of, Henry VI's murderer, 14–17, 54, 61.
  34. Gloucestershire, sculptures in, 121.
  35. "Golden Rose," the Pope's gift of, 9.