Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/31

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which he intended to present to St. Alban's Shrine. His treasurer, however, later promised to give the monastery fifty marks in place of this royal robe of state, and on the day of the King's departure the Prior, acting for the Abbot who was ill, came to thank the King for all the benefits he had already bestowed upon the Abbey, and to beg for a continuation of the royal favour. To this speech the King replied: "Father Prior, we have so far done little for you, but if by the grace of God's mercy we are allowed to live a little longer we will abundantly increase our benefactions to you, so that you may have reason and material cause to pray in a special manner for us." The King after leaving his apartments went to pray again at the shrine, and thence passing out of the great west door of the church, mounted his horse. Before starting, he turned to the Prior and reminded him that he was to come as soon as possible to London to receive the sum of money promised to the convent in place of the state robe he had given to St. Alban's Shrine. This the Prior did forthwith; and on his arrival at the royal palace Henry received him at once and directed that the money should be brought, and he himself