Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/54

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alive who were on terms of intimacy with him, who assert that he was wont continually to raise his eyes to heaven like one in a heavenly ecstasy, and that at times he seemed quite unconscious of himself or of those round about him. He was as a man out of himself, as one, whilst still on earth, having his conversation in heaven, according to the words of the Apostle: "Conversatio nostra in coelis est"

Henry was never known to make use of any oath in order to enforce his orders. His only expression was the expression "Forsoothe and forsoothe." Indeed, he broke many of the lords and others of the habit of swearing, by his mild advice and even by harsh correction. Anyone swearing was regarded most unfavourably by him. On one occasion, hearing one of the great lords, who was his Chamberlain, suddenly utter an oath, he gave him a severe admonition, saying: "Alas! You the Lord of a great family and household, when you swear in this manner against the commandment of God, set a bad example to your servants and those subject to you. You provoke them, indeed, to do the same."

There are many examples of the patience and loving kindness which this King exercised