Page:The rock of wisdom.djvu/109

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previous to that the Lord told him before the cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice. The cock crew at two different times of the night, about midnight for the first time, and then about the time commonly called the cock crowing: and this was the cock-crowing our Saviour spoke of, and therefore, the other evangelist takes no notice of the first crowing. But it appears when the cock did crow Peter was convicted, and did remember immediately the words of our Lord, and he began to weep. Jesus at that time, knowing that his time was but short here among us, although his hour had not yet come, but it was not afar off. Soon afterwards there was a council held with the elders and counsels and bound Jesus and carried him away and delivered him to Pilate, and there they asked him many questions, but he answered them nothing.—And they cryed out, crucify him, and according to their wicked desire, he was crucified on the third hour. The ancient account divided the day into four parts which were named from the hour from which they began, the first, third, sixth and ninth hours. Our Lord was crucified a little before noon, before the third hour had quite expired; but when the sixth hour was near at hand, on speaking of himself before, or previous to his crucifixtion, he said that he would rise on the third day, and on that day before the sun had risen, they set out before it was light to go to the sepulcher, but the sun had risen when they arrived there, or perhaps the sun here spoken of is the sun of justice, Christ Jesus our Lord, who had risen before their coming. Observe, here is order to reconcile the four evangelists, that divers persons concurred in charging Peter with being Christ's disciple, till at length they brought him to deny him at the fire; first put the question to him, and then positively affirmed that he was with Christ. 2. Another maid accused him to the standers-by and gave occasion to the man here mentioned to renew the charge against him, which caused the second denial. 3. Others of the company took notice of his being a Galilean, and were seconded by the kinsman of Malichas, who affirmed he had seen him in the garden, and this drew on the third denial. But I say, notwithstanding we are flesh and blood as Peter was; but thank the Lord that Peter saw his weakness, and after he was convinced, he repented
