Page:The rock of wisdom.djvu/117

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church, is, that man or woman who has the love, of God shed abroad in their hearts: having a well grounded hope in this life and that which is to come. If so, they carry the church with them, that is, Christ, the true church.—She hath the moon, that is, the changeable things of this world, under her feet, and the twelve stars with which she is crowned, (Rev. 12: 1.) are the twelve apostles. She is in labor and pain, whilst she brings forth her children; and Christ is then in the midst of affliction and persecution. When the Lord made this revelation to St. John, the situation of the church of Christ was peculiarly critical. Jerusalem and her temple, the former people and church of God lay in total ruin, which in its holy records and many glorious promises, net yet fulfilled, the banners of the church had been planted, and her ministers every where met with great success in enlisting many valient soldiers for the service of the Lord. Jews and Gentiles were alarmed at this rapid propagation of the gospel, and the christians were in full expectation of the approach of the personal kingdom of Christ on earth, which should compass the whole world. In the midst of this full tide of prosperity, the church of Christ was arrested by the cruel persecution of the Roman Emperor, Nero, and Domitian revived, Paganism, in all, its abominations, threatened Christianity with utter destruction.—Idolatry was every where again vigorously supported by the power of the Prince of darkness. The self-interested views of a host of Priests and the corrupt passions of men. But the religion of Jesus, was accounted foolishness, an enemy to the state and to mankind, and only maintained herself by the truth of her doctrine and the holy lives of her disciples. When the christians saw all their hopes thus crossed and all their wishes prostrated, and fears concerning the truth and divine origin of the christian religion, and her final success on earth. Short sighted reason argued thus: If Jehovah be the author of Christianity, and Jesus Christ the son of God, then our religion must finally prevail, and all the promises concerning the welfare of Zion, will surely be accomplished, but the natural probability from the violent opposition of the world is against us, and Paganism is victorious from the throne to the cottage. It is not impossible that we may be deceived, man