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standing at the head of affairs; but such as my God gave unto me, I will with all pleasure give it unto you so that you may stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made you free, for these things are commanded, and let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity, see Tim. 4 ch. 11, 12 vs. I have one more requesting desire in my heart that has been there may years, ever since I began preaching the gospel, which has never yet been granted though I really believe it will in God's own time and way, and when it is accomplished perhaps my dear friends may hear from me again, till then farewell, be of good comfort, live in peace and the God of peace shall be with you, amen, amen.

Even thine in faith and affection,


certificate of dr. j. spangles, of zanesville, ohio.

I do hereby certify that the Rev. N. C. Cannon, a minister of color in the Methodist Episcopal church, was from the fore part of July 1826, confined to his bed and room for a considerable length of time in consequence of serious indisposition, and that he, the said N. C. Cannon, took considerable medicine, during which time I attended to him, and I further certify that he was necessarily confined for a greater length of time than above stated, at a time when I was unable to attend to him owing to absence, his general health during the summer of 1826 was generally precarious, every time I saw him which was very frequently.


March 27, 1827.

certificate of dr. d.w. rhodes, of zanesville, ohio.

I hereby certify that I was called upon and did attend N. C. Cannon, a preacher belonging to the Methodist African church, sometime last July or August, (having made no charge against him the length of time I do not recollect,) and that he was then laboring under a severe affection of his bowels, so much so as to prevent him from attending to any business at that time.


Zanesville, March 28, 1827.