Page:The rock of wisdom.djvu/23

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heathen idolators with their idol gods fell as flat as a dead man to the ground, the Jewish government fell asunder so that God opened a new and living way from earth to heaven, now in comes the gospel ship sailing with ease, and she now waites for passengers, and every one that comes has got a glorious reward and the best of all she has no respect of person, and here is one grand thing to the nations of the earth no embargo can be laid on this ocean to prevent the emigrant from entering in that happy city, no freezing in winter, December is as pleasant as May, and they are happy in him, now it is well for us all to consider this one point for with one blood we are all made and by the blood of Christ all that is saved must come in at that door; I speak unto wise men judge what I say, thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the parts of them, and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his works which he had made and God blessed the seventh day — as it is said behold the stone which I lay before Joshua the one stone shall have seven eyes, represents the seven spirits of God in discharging their regular duties through the rivers and seas of his great knowledge and love to man, the river that went out from the east of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted and came into four heads, then it may be said respecting the four quarters of the world in which the few evangelists accomplished the will of God, in gathering of the fish in the gospel, and the name of the second river in Zion, that which encompasses the whole land of Ethiopia, this river is said to enter the Euphrates which can go to any part of the world; now the fish that these rivers and seas contain are of various kinds, but all are created by God himself, some black, some gray, some red, some white, some pied, some blue, some grizly, some mudy coarsely and now these colors are a wonder to man, now the fish cannot live without breath although they are in the salt water they cannot be preserved by the salt until they are taken out killed and cleaned, and the good put in vessels and preserved by salt and the bad cast away, this is according to our Lord's words when he said gather the good in vessels and cast the bad away, now in a spiritual