Page:The rock of wisdom.djvu/50

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not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in the heart; this is the violence, thus we take the kingdom, for Christ said unto his deciples, "be ye, therefore, wise us serpents and harmless as doves;" this zeal the devil and all his combined forces cannot overthrow, for it is linked in that stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands; this is the reason that hands cannot overthrow it, and by this we stand. If I start from here in a ship to go to England I know before I start that 1 must go to the ship and go on board, and if I expect to reach England I must take care not to fall over board, and obey the order of the captain, then I have a pleasant passage, for I have his smiles and sweet counsel by my obedience ; and when the ship gets into port, I then enter into the great city, and go at large. By this let us learn a lesson and look well to the land mark, and know that we stand on the equal of justice, if so we can part on the level of truth. Now I warn the sinner, the moralist, the self-righteous, the infidel, according to the scriptures, Jesus Christ is the great ship of safety, he is now lying in port, calling for passengers, all his captains are dressed in uniform and with one voice they say peace, and peace it is. Now it is certain that we must go to the ship in order that we may get to the glorious city, we must keep on board of the ship until she arrives in port, and then we can enter into the great city, and live with God, no more to die. Dear friends, it is one thing to go in this ship and another thing to stay on board, fir the word sayeth "be ye watchful unto prayer least you fall from your steadfastness." By this we may see that there is danger in falling, if we do not continue in prayer, for prayer is the key that unlocks heaven, and gets the blessings down into the soul. Unbelief is another key that locks the heavens against the soul, for Judas, as soon as he ceased praying, the heavens were closed against him for thirty pieces of silver. And I am afraid that there are thousand now who will shut heaven against themselves for the sum of six and a quarter cents or a less sum. Let us take heed to ourselves least we fall like Babylon of old, to rise no more. "And thou Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell." Math. 11 c. 23 v. Hence the wisest part of mankind about the time of Christ's birth looked upon this whole system of religion