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his messengers. The Israelites in those days imagined they should die if they saw an angel, taking occasion, perhaps, from those words spoken by the Lord to Moses.—Exo. 33: 20. "No man shall see my face and live;" but the event demonstrated that it was but a groundless imagination, not like a Samson, for there was a very remarkable providence in this particular, of the history of Samson, from which, also, in the mystical sense, we may learn what spiritual sweetness and nourishment our souls will acquire, from slaying the lions of our passions. Samson being judge of the people, he might have many to assist him to catch foxes with nets, or otherwise, a number of these animals of which there were many in that country. Some are of the opinion Delilah was married to Samson, others that she was his harlot; if the latter opinion be true we cannot wonder that in the punishment of his lust, the Lord delivered him up by her means into the hands of his enemies; however, if he were guilty, it is not to be doubted, that under his afflictions he heartily repented and returned to God, and so obtained forgiveness of his sins.—Judg. 16: 28. " That I may revenge myself." This desire of revenge was out of zeal for justice against the enemies of God and his people, and not out of private rancour and malice of heart. Samson did not sin as I think, on this occasion, though he was the cause of his own death, because he was moved -to what he did, by a particular inspiration of God, who, also, concurred with him by a miracle, in restoring his strength upon the spot. In consequence of his eyes, Samson, by dying in this manner was a figure of Christ, in one sense, overcame his enemies, Again, the children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin, his brother; the Lord suffered them to be overthrown and many of them to be slain, though their cause was just, partly in punishment of the idolatry which they exercised or tolerated in the tribe of Dan and elsewhere, and partly because they trusted in their own strength, and therefore, though he bid them fight, he would not give them the victory till they were thoroughly humbled and had learned to trust in him alone.

Sec. 8. The Book of Ruth.

This book is called Ruth, from the name of the person
