Page:The rock of wisdom.djvu/97

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Israel, when the waters of the rivers of Arnon and Jordon, and of the Red Sea, retired before their faces, when he came, as it were, with his horses and charriots to save them, when he took up his bow for their defence, in consequence of the oath he had made to their tribes: when the mountains tumbled and the deep stood with its waves raised up in a heap, as with hands lifted up to heaven: when the sun and moon stood still at his command, &c. to comply with his anger, not against the rivers and sea, but against the enemies of his people. How much more will he do in favor of his son and against the enemies of his church, the head of the house of the wicked. Such was Pharoah, heretofore, such shall Anti-Christ be hereafter. Thou madest a way in the sea to deliver thy people from the Egyptian bondage, and thou shalt work the like wonders in the spiritual way, to rescue the children of thy church, from their enemies. We understand that Princes shall come out of Egypt: Ethiopia shall soon stretch forth her hand unto God: the evils which are now coming upon the people for their sins, which will come hereafter upon all impenitent sinners, if dying without repentance, and the foresight which I have of these miseries, therefore, I beg the sinner, in the name of the Lord, turn, turn, O ye house of Israel, for why will you die, now is the accepted lime, and the day of salvation. As for my part I am bound to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints, that I may die the death of the righteous, that I may go up to our people, that I may join the happy company in the bosom of Abraham. Who are girded, that is, prepared for their journey by which they shall attend their Lord when he shall ascend into heaven, to which high and happy place my Jesus, that is, my Saviour, the great conqueror of death and hell, shall one day conduct me, rejoicing and singing psalms of praise. Well might David say pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee; peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces for my brethen and companion's sake. I will now say peace be within thee for the authority which the gospel ministers have to preach the gospel to every creature; that is the commandment of our Divine Master "go ye, therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
