Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/111

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78. When and how are the members of township boards of education elected?
79. What is the time of taking the annual census of school children in all the districts of the state?
80. How may special school meetings be called?
81. How many days’ notice must be given for all district meetings?
82. Has the district board the authority to determine the number of months of school to be taught in the district during the year?
83. Can a board of supervisors legally appoint one of their own number as member of the board of examiners?
84. What must be included in all notices of special school meetings?
85. What is the date of the annual school meeting in township districts of the Upper Peninsula?
86. Have the voters or the district board the authority to determine whether the school shall be taught by a male or a female teacher?
87. Have the voters or the district board the authority to determine the maximum salary that shall be paid to teachers?
88. Have the voters or the district board the authority to admit non-resident pupils?
89. Who selects school house sites, the school board or the voters?
90. What is the highest amount of money for sites or building purposes, that can be raised by taxation in any one year in districts having ten children of school age? Thirty children? Five hundred children?
91. How is the tax for repairs and apparatus limited?
92. What is the minimum number of months required to be taught in districts having 800 children?
93. What is the minimum number of months required in all districts?
94. What is the penalty on districts whose officers do not provide for the required number of months of school?
95. For what purposes may the surplus of the one-mill tax be appropriated?
96. Who are legal voters at school meetings?
97. In what districts are women barred from voting?
98. How many trustees in the district board of graded school districts?
99. How many children of school age must a district contain to be organized into a graded district?
100. How many votes at a district meeting are required to change to a graded district?
101. How may a person who is not a legally qualified voter in the district, be prevented from voting if he offers to do so?
102. If a vote is not taken by ballot, how may voters be challenged?