Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/47

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place of such meeting at least twenty-four hours before such meeting is to take place; and no act authorized to be done by the district board is valid, unless voted at a meeting of the board. A majority of the members of the board at a meeting is necessary for the transaction of business (5058).


Any qualified voter in a school district who has property liable to assessment for school taxes, is eligible to election or appointment to office in such school district, unless such person be an alien.


Within ten days after their election or appointment, the several officers of each school district file with the director written acceptances of the offices to which they have been respectively elected or appointed, and such acceptances are entered in the records of the district by said director (5057, 5133). In township districts the officers file acceptances within five days after being notified, and such notification is made within five days after election or appointment.


A district office may become vacant by:

1. Death of the incumbent.
2. Resignation.
8. Removal from office.
4. Removal from the district.
5. Conviction of any infamous crime.
6. Election or appointment being declared void by a competent tribunal.
7. Neglect to file acceptance of office, or to give or renew any official bond as required by law.

Temporary absence of an officer does not create a vacancy