Page:The school law of Michigan.djvu/56

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All the duties required of school inspectors, in townships organized under the primary school law, are performed by the township board of education. The township board of inspectors, therefore, has no separate existence in such townships. The following are the principal duties of township school officers:

1. To designate and purchase school house sites.
2. To erect buildings and furnish the same.
3. To employ legally qualified teachers.
4. To provide books for district library.
5. To make by-laws relative to the taking of the school census.
6. To make all necessary reports and transmit the same to the proper officers.
7. To make needful regulations and by-laws relative to school visitation, length of school terms, and purchase of books for indigent children (Act 176, 1891).


The director is the chief officer of the primary district and upon him falls much of the labor and responsibility of the district board. We give below many of his principal duties:

1. To act as clerk, when present, of all meetings of the district and of the board.

2. To record the proceedings of all district meetings, and the minutes of all meetings, orders, resolutions, and other proceedings of the board, in proper record books.

3. To give the prescribed notice of the annual district meeting, and of all special meetings.

4. To draw and sign warrants upon the township treasurer for all moneys raised for district purposes or apportioned to the district by the township clerk, and orders upon the assessor for all moneys to be disbursed by the district, and to present them to the moderator, to be countersigned by that officer.