Page:The sculptures and inscription of Darius the Great on the Rock of Behistûn in Persia.djvu/138

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Col. I.

  1. . 𐏓 𐎣 𐎠 𐎼 𐏓 𐏃 𐎹 𐏓 𐎴 𐎮 𐎡 𐎫 𐎲 𐎡 𐎼 𐏃 𐎹 𐎠 𐏓 𐎫 𐎡 𐎥 𐎼 𐎠 𐎶 𐏓 𐎠 𐎭 𐎠 𐎼 𐎹 𐏓 𐎠 𐎺 𐎭 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐎡 𐏁 𐎫 𐎫 𐎠 𐏓 𐎢 𐎫 𐎠 𐏓
  1. . 𐎠 𐎲 𐎡 𐏁 𐏓 𐎴 𐎠 𐎻 𐎡 𐎹 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐏃 𐏓 𐎱 𐎿 𐎠 𐎺 𐏓 𐎠 𐎭 𐎶 𐏓 𐎣 𐎠 𐎼 𐎶 𐏓 𐎶 𐏁 𐎣 𐎠 𐎢 𐎺 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐎺 𐎠 𐎣 𐎴 𐎶 𐏓 𐎠 𐎴 𐎡 𐎹 𐎶 𐏓 𐎢 𐏁
  1. . 𐎲 𐎠 𐎼 𐎡 𐎶 𐏓 𐎠 𐎤 𐎢 𐎴 𐎺 𐎶 𐏓 𐎠 𐎴 𐎡 𐎹 𐏃 𐎹 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐎿 𐎶 𐏓 𐎳 𐎼 𐎠 𐎴 𐎹 𐎶 𐏓 𐎠 𐎢 𐎼 (𐎶 𐏀) 𐎭 𐎠 𐎶 𐎡 𐎹 𐏓 𐎢 𐎱 𐎿 (𐎫) 𐎠 𐎶
  1. . 𐏓 𐎠 𐎲 𐎼 𐏓 𐎺 𐏁 𐎴 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐎢 𐎼 𐎶 𐏀 𐎭 𐎠 𐏃 𐏓 𐎫 𐎡 𐎥 𐎼 𐎠 𐎶 𐏓 𐎻 𐎡 𐎹 𐎫 𐎼 𐎹 𐎠 𐎶 𐎠 [𐏓 𐎠] 𐎺 𐎭 𐎠 𐏓 𐎠 𐎺 𐎶 𐏓 𐎣 𐎠 𐎼 𐎶 𐏓

1 The reading ^" is certain. For ^"yy" poss. read ^ "yy, which would give the reading maska dava. 1 The reading of the signs ^ ^"yy" ^(~ at the end of the line is certain ; we must therefore read tisabarim and not dasabarim. The Susian distinctly mentions ' camels ' and ' horses ' in this passage. The Sanskrit ustra means ' camel,' and the Old Persian root bar in the compound of asabari, 'horse-rider,' means 'to ride'; but it is doubtful whether any comparison can be made, unless the engraver has omitted the sign ^- by mistake from the end of 1. 86. 3 Asam is from asa, 'a horse' (which occurs only in the word asabari, 'rider'). 4 This reading is probable from the traces on the rock. Franayam is a compound of fra, 'forward,' and the root ni, 'to lead.' 5 Or Mfyy. 6 The reading a~rada avam karam is certain.

there they were posted, and they also had ships. Then I divided (?) the army . . . .; some I made riders of camels (?), for the rest I led forward horses. Auramazda brought me help; by the grace of Auramazda we crossed

85. kara hya Naditabirahya Tigram adaraya avada aitata uta 86. abis naviya aha pasava adam karam maskauva avakanam aniyam usa- 87. barim akunavam aniyahya asam franayam Aura[maz]damaiy upas[t]am 88. abara vasna Auramazdaha

Tigram viyatarayama [a]vada avam karam