Page:The seven great hymns of the mediaeval church - 1902.djvu/38

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The Celeftial Country.


Ariſe, ariſe, good Chriſtian,
Let right to wrong ſucceed;
Let penitential ſorrow
To heavenly gladneſs lead—
To the light that hath no evening,
That knows nor moon nor ſun,
The light ſo new and golden,
The light that is but one.


And when the Sole-Begotten
Shall render up once more
The kingdom to the Father,
Whoſe own it was before,
Then glory yet unheard of
Shall ſhed abroad its ray,
Reſolving all enigmas,
An endleſs Sabbath-day.


Then, then from his oppreſſors

The Hebrew ſhall go free,