Page:The spirit of the leader (IA spiritofleader00heyl).pdf/95

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The plan that was to do away with mud outside the school was soon told. Praska laid the names and the petitions on the desk. Mr. Banning did not take up the papers.

"There'd be over two hundred signatures," the boy said.

The teacher looked at him, and looked away.

"You don't like my plan?" Praska was disappointed. "It isn't worth carrying out?"

A hand fell on his knee. "I didn't say that, George. Don't misunderstand me. But a letter, or a petition—— It's so easy that it means nothing. The postman is forever walking into public buildings with letters for elected officials. Mr. Citizen feels a sense of outrage at something that has happened or has not happened. He writes a letter of condemnation. That makes him feel better. He has a virtuous feeling that he's done his duty, and then forgets all about it. It has taken him two minutes to write the letter. You can't build up citizenship on two-minute splurges."

"But this is a petition," Praska said weakly.

"George," Mr. Banning said gently, "good government in this country could be advanced fifty per cent. if people would put less faith in petitions and more in personal action. What does a petition amount to, as a usual thing? I could