Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/101

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that the Paiisdan edition of 1520 is intended^ although the title is given incorrectly, as is more frequently done with contemporary and well known books than with others. It appears likewise, that there was no conceahnent in the affair^ except what arose from the language in which the book was extant* This concealment was indeed pretty extensive. The Irish titular, or Roman catholic. Bishop, Dr. Doyle, in his examination by the Parlia- mentary Commissioners on the State of Ireland, retorted the charge of pecuniary penance on the Church of England, and referred to Bum's Ecc. Law, under the word Penance, in proof of the fact. How far the instances fall short of his object will be evident on the perusal* I will give him and his communion farther, and perhaps better, authority, in the laborious and impartial Strype^s Lives— of Parker, Book iv. c* XXV ; of Grindalj Book ii* c. xi. and Appen- dix, Book ii. No. v ; and of Whitgift, Vol. i. fol. 7-!, or the Reprints. The ea:puryatory class of Indexes are very useful in directing protestants at once to those passages, even in papal ^vriters, from which the papacy receives some of her most mortal wounds. They were never, howerer, meant to come into our handsj and Rome has been more prudent than Spain. There are several other passages marked for obliteration in the work f^m which I have been quoting, and of which / have the identical edition referred to.